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  • Susan Jordan 

    I've been a Focusing practitioner and teacher in the UK since 2003 and trained with Barbara McGavin. I'm a retired Core Process (Buddhist-based) psychotherapist and supervisor and a poet and writer. I live in Devon, South West England, close to Dartmoor.

  • Shrewsbury

    Bethany Rivers 

    Currently doing my practitioner training. Been focusing about 5 years.

  • Antje Sommer-Schlögl 

    Sexual counseling Systemic couples " EMDR Trauma-sensitive, mindfulness-based Focusing teacher Focusing therapy Mediator I work with passion and fascination in a person-centered, mindfulness- and body-oriented way and experience deep developmental steps again and again - in myself and in others.

  • Devon, UK

    Fiona Parr 

    Focusing has given me so much joy and inspiration, and I enjoy sharing its riches and gifts with others. I teach Focusing from my home on the edge of Dartmoor in Devon, and online. I enjoy working with people in individual sessions and teaching small groups.

  • Halina Rozensztrauch 

    Embodiment is not just listening to the body but listening through the body. It's a life-reorienting and enriching perspective that Focusing opens so tangibly, the trust that not knowing becomes knowing moment by moment, so here I am, open to exploring and inquiring with you

  • Giv'at Shmuel

    Yehudit First 

    As an Emotional Body Psychotherapist, meeting Focusing was a powerful and transformative experience for me. Since then it has become an integral part of my life and practice. The desire to bring Focusing into interpersonal communication in real life, led me to develop Social Oriented Focusing (SOF).

  • Wettswil am Albis

    Anja Edelmann 

    Durch meine chronische Kopfschmerzen habe ich nach neuen Methoden zur Linderung gesucht und dabei Focusing kennengelernt. Nach meiner Ausbildung zum Focusing Trainer and Certified Focusing Professional TIFI / SFEM biete ich heute Begleitungen im Raum Zürich an.

  • Leipzig

    Amona Buechler 

    Amona has been offering courses, workshops, and sessions online & offline since 1998. She is a Certified Focusing Trainer/Coordinator in Training and a Certified Feldenkrais Assistant Trainer. Of German origin, she lived in Chicago 1998-2015, traveled the world until 2021, and now lives in Germany.

  • Münster

    Dietmar Steinbach 

    Im working as a Business Coach and I use Focusing-oriented Coaching and Person-centered Coaching. Also I am part of the Board of the DFG Deutsche Focusing Gesellschaft. And I am working as General Secretary of the IOBC International Organisation for Business Coaching.

  • Thomas Franke 

    ...bin schon ziemlich alt (*1948)... Habe Focusing ab Mitte der 80iger Jahre in der "Sommerschule" auf dem Achberg kennengelernt und arbeite dort bis heute im FocusingNetzwerk mit. PCA und Focusing bilden das Zentrum meiner persönlichen und beruflichen Entwicklung...bis heute....

  • Gabriel Pantiru 

    I'm a psychologist and a father of a 7-year-old boy living and working in Bucharest, Romania. I practice meditation, focusing, dream work and different therapeutic techniques for improving and developing my life.

  • Florian Christensen 

    I first came into contact with focussing during my training at pcaSuisse in 1997. In the 2000s, I became more and more involved with it and since 2019 I have been running my own small focussing institute in Winterthur

  • Tel Aviv-Yafo

    Annat Gal on 

    Focusing coordinator for adults and children and a Family Constellation facilitator. Founder of HomeFocusing - Focusing Oriented Relationship method.

  • Nadja Meyers 


  • Celia Dawson 

    I have been using Focusing for over twenty years. I am a Co-ordinator with the International Focusing Institute, a Director of the Complex Trauma Institute and a Director of the British Focusing Association.

  • Niels Bagge 

    I am a Danish psychologist trained in Inner Relationship Focusing and focusing integrated in Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT). I meet regularly with my 2 focusing partner. I amfocusing trainer offering focusing workshops and sessions.

  • Psichiko

    Michael Callifronas MD 

    Physician MD (NKUA), certified person-centred psychotherapist (ECP). Postdoctorate in Lab. Endocrinology (Paris V), postgraduate diplomas: Clinical Pharmacology Toxicology (Paris VII), Counseling (Strathclyde), Focusing (East Anglia), Clin. Supervision (Derby)

  • Rob Matthews 

    Sharing the focusing with others is one of the most cherished activities in my life. The realisation of the profound potential within this gentle yet transformative method is invaluable to me, and once you gain confidence in it, it will unlock endless richness within your own inner resources.

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