with other European Focusing Professionals
Welcome to the European Focusing Association (EFA).
What we do
Welcome to the European Focusing Association (EFA).
The aim of EFA is to provide a European-wide network for those Focusers and Focusing Professionals engaged in research and practice who:
- have a commitment to the primary importance of the philosophy of Focusing, its attitude and ethics.
- recognize the centrality of the ‘felt sense’ in their practice.
- embody in their work those Focusing attitudes as first postulated by Eugene Gendlin.
- have an openness to the future development of Focusing in the light of research and evolving practice.
EFA has the following goals:
- To promote continuing dialogue and good practice between the European Focusers and Focusing Professionals.
- To be a network for exploring different ways of teaching, researching and using Focusing.
- To provide ongoing support and professional development opportunities to individuals trained in Focusing and to European local and national Focusing organizations.
- To promote the Focusing paradigm, to support and encourage scientific study in all fields of application.
- To engage in socio-political processes to ensure the continued contribution of Focusing in health, social insurance, education, academic contexts, etc.
- To foster the exchange of research, theory and practice among a variety of language groups.
- To make use of our intercultural diversity, to learn from one another, to improve the practice of Focusing and the Experiential Approach.
- To develop training programmes that are appropriate to the multi-cultural and multi-lingual European context.
- To validate and accredit/recognise European Focusing-oriented training programmes.
- To work together closely and to exchange ideas with other European and world associations and institutions.
EFA will be carried forward by a steering group, which will include representatives of specific task groups.
EFA aims to make sure that the workings of the association are in harmony with the processes of Focusing itself. Structures and task groups evolve as the need arises (e.g. a training group, an Internet group). Membership of these groups is on a rotational basis, ideally representing European diversity by the multinational composition of its members.
An eventual need for paid administration and for the support of web-based resources is recognized. This will mean the eventual payment of a subscription once the organization is firmly established.
EFA will discuss development of the Association at an annual meeting, the General Assembly, to be held in Europe. This meeting will also facilitate the formation of project groups that can be continued through web meetings. Specific interest groups will organize events throughout the year to demonstrate and develop new directions in Focusing. We will make use of Internet options (e.g. the European Focusing Website, Facebook) to share information and to promote training programmes and workshops.
All members of the Association may attend the General Assembly. Members who are unable to attend in person, can have their views taken into account. They can use email or other online means to communicate their views. We make all our decisions by consensus.
Each small group, including the steering group, follows the following principles:
- All members have equal say in how the group is run.
- All members have equal access to information.
- All members consult with their inner sense of an issue to help find a way forward.
- All members undertake to listen to their own felt sense and to the felt senses of others when reaching decisions.
The multi-national and multi-lingual nature of the organization and the fact that different individuals are likely to come together in different permutations means that there needs to be a commitment not to ‘reinvent the wheel’ or undo the work of previous groups, while respecting the groundwork provided through the work of others.
EFA accepts that working with Focusing can never be reduced to rules and regulations or detailed criteria and standards. Instead we will have guidelines and principles to be developed in detail at a later stage. Each person has the freedom to develop their work in ways that feel right with their inner felt sense and to develop their work according to their sense of responsibility for the content and process of their teaching or professional practice.
Our Website
Just some remarks …
Event listing
17th February 2025 Zoom
Advanced Focusing Course Levels 3-5, 2025
Basic Focusing Course
Deepen the art of listening to yourself and another Relate to yourself and others with freshness, emotional intelligence, and an open heart. You can join levels 3-5 of my Focusing course after you have attended…
Amona Buechler -
18th February 2025 Zoom
Become a Focusing Professional – Share Focusing with the world
Professional Training
Learn to Year 1: Offer one-to-one Focusing sessions to people who are new to Focusing Integrate Focusing into your professional field as a therapist, bodyworker, teacher… Teach Focusing to individuals Naturally weave aspects of Focusing…
Amona Buechler -
20th May 2025 Haus Neuglück – Siebengebirge – Deutschand (nahe Bonn)
Focusing & Authentic Movement – Bei Dir Selbst Ankommen
In 2025, this is a retreat will be held in the German language but has been offered, and can again be offered in English. Click here for more in English (Retreat held in 2019 –…
Amona Buechler -
7th August 2025 Humboldthaus auf dem Achberg, Panorama-Straße 30 D – 88147 Achberg
Focusing Wochen 2025 auf dem Achberg
Teil 1 – Auftaktseminar Donnerstag, 07.08. Bis Samstag, 09.08.2025 (Beginn Am Donnerstag Um 18 Uhr Mit Dem Abendessen / Ende Am Samstag Um 13 Uhr Mit Dem Mittagessen) Focusing: Über das Lernen und Begleiten einer kleinen…
Monika Catarina Lindner
EFA Posts
9th Feb 2025
Newsletter EFA February 2024
Dear Focusers, With this newsletter we wish you a healthy and prosperous year 2025! Joining the 2025 EFA gathering in Belgium in September From Wednesday 17th to Sunday 21st of September The…
European Focusing Association – EFA -
1st Feb 2025
Short History of the European Focusing Association (EFA) and Appreciations of Heinz-Joachim Feuerstein
Fiona Parr and Ruth Hirsch – for EFA – January 2025 What is the EFA? The EFA is a European network for Focusers to develop Focusing and the Experiential Approach through collaboration,…
European Focusing Association – EFA -
31st Oct 2024
Newsletter EFA October 2024
Dear Focusers, With this newsletter we would like to look back with you at the last annual EFA gathering and moving forward to the future, to the next gathering in…
European Focusing Association – EFA -
19th Oct 2024
Newsletter EFA July 2024
Annual EFA Gathering in Achberg, Germany, 25 – 29 September 2024 There has been an enthusiastic response to this year’s gathering at Humboldt Haus, near Achberg, Germany. Thirty-three people from nine countries have signed up!…
European Focusing Association – EFA
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