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Michael Callifronas MD
Psichiko 154 52
- Grief
- Trauma
- Meditation
- Wholebody Focusing
- Focusing Oriented counselling
- Dreams
Physician MD (NKUA), certified person-centred psychotherapist (ECP). Postdoctorate in Lab. Endocrinology (Paris V), postgraduate diplomas: Clinical Pharmacology Toxicology (Paris VII), Counseling (Strathclyde), Focusing (East Anglia), Clin. Supervision (Derby)
What services do I offer?
Works with psychotherapy groups, chronic illness therapy, anger and assertiveness groups, parenting skills and self-esteem groups, as well as individual and group therapy whole body focusing, clinical supervision.
My background in Focusing
Certificate in Focusing (East Anglia University)
Practicing focusing in one to one sessions groups, wholebody focusing.
Physician MD (NKUA), certified person-centred psychotherapist (ECP). Postdoctorate in Lab. Endocrinology (Paris V), postgraduate diplomas: Clinical Pharmacology Toxicology (Paris VII), Counseling (Strathclyde), Focusing (East Anglia), Clin. Supervision (Derby)
How do I practice?
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