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Newsletter EFA October 2024

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Freda Blob

  • Trauma
  • Wholebody Focusing
  • Creativity
  • Focusing Oriented counselling
  • Inner relationship Focusing


I have 30 years of experience as a person-centered and experiential clinician and educator, teaching Focusing for more than 20 years. I am a registered art therapist and Creative Arts Counselor, and founder of trauma-informed Expressive Arts Focusing ExAF

What services do I offer?

I offer training programs in Focusing and Intermodal Focusing with the Arts IFA at all levels (introductory, practitioner, trainer).

I offer Focusing sessions and Expressive Arts Focusing ExAF sessions and group events (workshops, seminars, conference presentations), using a wide range of methods of the Creative and the Expressive Arts.

I offer courses in Arts To Focusing Joy AFJ (artmaking to get unstuck) and Creative Compassion Practice CCP (engagement with art of persecuted artists for global peace)

My background in Focusing

As a senior teacher of the German-Swiss Focusing Network FN I have served the network leading team for more than two decades. Since 2023 I am also teaching with the German Focusing Association DFG, volonteering for DFG on regular basis since 2019. I am co-founder of the Focusing teachers group of EFA (2018) and hosted the 2016 EFA meeting in Tübingen GER with a forum for Community Wellness Focusing.

I started my career as a Focuser in 1994 and had the chance to meet Gene Gendlin in person in 1996. In 2013 I certified as Certifying Coordinator of The International Focusing Institute TIFI. Additional trainings in Existential Wellbeing Counseling with Prof. Mia Leijssen (2016), Focusing with the Whole Body with Astrid Schillings (2016-2017) and Focusing Oriented Expressive Arts FOAT® with Dr. Laury Rappaport (2017-2020) took my Focusing teachings to new levels.

From 2022-2024 I was guest lecturer for Focusing and the Expressive Arts at the Department of Clinical Curative Education of the Catholic University Freiburg GER.

I work with these Focusing approaches:
Focusing, Inner Relationship Focusing, Focusing Plus (Focusing Network FN), Focusing oriented Expressive Arts FOAT® (Laury Rappaport), Existential Well-being Counseling (Mia Leijssen), Wholebody Heartfelt Conversation (Kevin McEvenue), Focusing with the Whole Body (Astrid Schillings), Integrative Focusing (René Maas), Dynamic Expressive Focusing/Being Seriously Playful (René Veugelers), Focusing-Oriented Relational Psychotherapy (Lynn Preston)

My Focusing style is characterised by multiple crossings for the benefit of the client. In this I follow the contemporary pluralistic humanistic approach.


TIFI Certifying Coordinator | TIFI Focusing Oriented Therapist FOT | TIFI Focusing Trainer | TIFI Focusing Professional FOAT®

Art Therapist (DAS) AT | APCCA Advanced Creative Arts Practitioner | Guided Drawing® Practitioner GDP | Focusing Oriented Expressive Arts Practitioner FOAT®

PCE Psychotherapist/Counselor | GwG Person-centered Therapist | GwG Personcentered Teaching Consultant with specialization in Existential Wellbeing Counseling

Clinical Psychologist CP GRAD (BA, MA) | Registered non-medical Practitioner for Psychotherapy

Adult Educator Ed GRAD (BA, MA) with undergraduate degree in design techniques for vocational college teachers

How do I practice?

  • In person
  • Phone
  • Online


Freda is very professional and compassionate at the same time. She brings to the Focusing world a distinctive way to blend the negative moment with the positive, to project a new synthesis. It could be a Hegelian feature hidden in German culture, but it worked so well in practice, that it has made me enthusiastic about her approach. There is a tenderness implicit in it, that we all should experience.
(Creative Compassion Practice, Online Workshop)

I participated in Freda Blob's workshop 'Arts Based Self Focusing For Supporting Clients in Trauma-informed Focusing Oriented Psychotherapy'. I want to say that Freda's workshop was very professional. The combination of art therapy and Focusing opened up new possibilities for to process with Focusing. I will be able to integrate this valuable experience into my daily work. Thank you, Freda!
(Expressive Arts Focusing ExAF Workshop)

Thank you very much for everything that was possible to grow and bloom during the five days at summer camp. The seminar with you was such an intensive and rich experience ... All of your expertise and sensitive way of experiencing was so present and tangible!
(Trauma-informed Focusing with the Expressive Arts, Five-Day Seminar in Presence)

So honestly presented - thank you very much for this beneficial strengthening offer!
(Focusing, Online Workshop)

It is so exciting to see how you are bringing something to life; that you feel exactly what is on at the very moment and thereby accompany me. Thank you so much!
(Focusing Oriented Expressive Arts Therapy FOAT®, 1:1 Online Session)

The exercises were really good for me. I am now in focus. Thanks. It was so cool!
(Focusing One-Day Online Training)

This webinar was so valuable for me. Your calmness and sovereignty did me good. Thanks for everything, and the encouragement!
(Focusing, Online Workshop)

The workshop opened me up. I never had created before. I painted new things and found new possibilities. My stress did go away and the mood improved - thank you!
(Expressive Arts Focusing ExAF, Online Workshop)

Despite the online distance, and this is quite amazing for me, I felt very comfortable and safe. Your empathic, clear and soothing instructions and exercises have done me a lot of good!
(Focusing, Online Workshop)

I am delighted that I was able to take part in your courses. I really like the way you convey the content to us. Each of us felt comfortable and valued! This was so motivating, stimulating and moving. Everything was in a flow ... really really nice! Thanks again!
(Arts-Focusing, Felt Art Journaling Workshop Series)

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