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Newsletter EFA February 2024

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European Focusing Association - EFA


EFA is a European network for Focusers, Focusing professionals and Focusing practitioners, who wish to develop Focusing and the Experiential Approach through collaboration, openness and mutual support.

What services do I offer?

What EFA would like to offer is:

To promote continuing dialogue and good practice between the European Focusers and Focusing Professionals.

To be a network for exploring different ways of teaching, researching and using Focusing.

To provide ongoing support and professional development opportunities to individuals trained in Focusing and to European local and national Focusing organizations.

To promote the Focusing paradigm, to support and encourage scientific study in all fields of application.

To engage in socio-political processes to ensure the continued contribution of Focusing in health, social insurance, education, academic contexts, etc.

To foster the exchange of research, theory and practice among a variety of language groups.

To make use of our intercultural diversity, to learn from one another, to improve the practice of Focusing and the Experiential Approach.

To develop training programmes that are appropriate to the multi-cultural and multi-lingual European context.

To validate and accredit/recognise European Focusing-oriented training programmes.

To work together closely and to exchange ideas with other European and world associations and institutions.

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