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  • Augsburg

    Monika Catarina Lindner 

    I love to accompany people with Focusing and Thinking At the Edge (TAE) to find their own language for what they want to become aware and express from the heart. When intuitive and logical thinking are brought into exchange, amazing new concepts emerge that make a tangible difference .. . mirabilis

  • Florian Christensen 

    I first came into contact with focussing during my training at pcaSuisse in 1997. In the 2000s, I became more and more involved with it and since 2019 I have been running my own small focussing institute in Winterthur

  • Andy Philpott 

    I am a BFA Certified Focusing Practitioner and an IFI Certified Focusing Trainer. I support people exploring their personal relationships and Financial Freedom. I practice Nonviolent Communication (NVC) which I integrate with Focusing to work with groups for social change and in conflict mediation.

  • Eveline Kroese 

    Eveline Kroese, Focusing trainer and coach/counsellor at Eigen Bron Focusing in Hilversum, The Netherlands

  • Hester Wijenberg 

    In Focusing you can find your own answers to your own questions. It also helps you soften from within, when you learn to be in Presence with those parts in yourself that you find difficult, or challenging. Instead of fighting, more space appears in which acceptance of that 'what is' can arise.

  • Danny Gehlen 

    Danny Gehlen MSc is a psychologist, psychometric researcher and person-centered counsellor based in Cologne, Germany. He teaches and investigates how Focusing attitudes and mindfulness can be effectively applied to facilitate health and personal development.

  • Servion

    Stephanie Ruder Schoof 

    Self-Leadership Coach & Facilitator The Challenge and Art of Personal Sustainability Focusing Trainer Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (as of September 2023)

  • Peter Afford 

    I have been practicing focusing for a very long time and teaching it for nearly as long. I'm a coordinator with the International Focusing Institute, and I was at all the early meetings of European focusers.

  • Gabriel Pantiru 

    I'm a psychologist and a father of a 7-year-old boy living and working in Bucharest, Romania. I practice meditation, focusing, dream work and different therapeutic techniques for improving and developing my life.

  • Suzi Mackenzie 

    I can't imagine life without Focusing and love to share it with others. I enjoy offering a calm and warm presence in which people can experience and explore what a Focusing approach might mean for them, from the nurture of the inner relationship to the fascination of the felt sense.

  • Halina Rozensztrauch 

    Embodiment is not just listening to the body but listening through the body. It's a life-reorienting and enriching perspective that Focusing opens so tangibly, the trust that not knowing becomes knowing moment by moment, so here I am, open to exploring and inquiring with you

  • Shrewsbury

    Bethany Rivers 

    Currently doing my practitioner training. Been focusing about 5 years.

  • Rob Matthews 

    Sharing the focusing with others is one of the most cherished activities in my life. The realisation of the profound potential within this gentle yet transformative method is invaluable to me, and once you gain confidence in it, it will unlock endless richness within your own inner resources.

  • Greg Madison 

    I learned Focusing as an undergraduate psychology student in Canada in the early 1980s. It has been the foundation of all I have learned and lived since then. Currently I am a psychologist and psychotherapist offering online experiential-existential therapy and training events worldwide.

  • Tel Aviv-Yafo

    Annat Gal on 

    Focusing coordinator for adults and children and a Family Constellation facilitator. Founder of HomeFocusing - Focusing Oriented Relationship method.

  • Vantaa

    Sari Pekki 

    I am a Focusing professional working fluently in both Finnish and English. I am also versed in Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and enjoy integrating the essence of these two remarkable practices. A member of the EFA Steering Group since 2019.

  • Leuven

    Tine Swyngedouw 

    I learned Focusing in 1990 and have incorporated in my life and work. I became a Focusing trainer in Chicago in 1995 and Focusing coordinator for Belgium in 2012. I'm a clinical psychologist and experiential psychotherapist in my private practice in Louvain, Belgium.

  • Thomas Franke 

    ...bin schon ziemlich alt (*1948)... Habe Focusing ab Mitte der 80iger Jahre in der "Sommerschule" auf dem Achberg kennengelernt und arbeite dort bis heute im FocusingNetzwerk mit. PCA und Focusing bilden das Zentrum meiner persönlichen und beruflichen Entwicklung...bis heute....

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