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Ruth Hirsch
- Trauma
- Focusing Oriented counselling
- Inner relationship Focusing
- Bodywork
Over 30 years ago, when I asked myself what I was here for an answer came right away: to look deeply within and help others to do the same. Several years after I discovered Focusing. Since 1994 I've been happily offering one-one sessions, teaching Focusing, and living a life guided by Focusing.
What services do I offer?
• One-one sessions for individuals wishing to get clarity in their lives, feel better about themselves, and to grow into the person they wish to be.
• Training and supervision for coaches and psychotherapists and other healing and education professionals who wish to use Focusing for themselves as well as to enhance the work they do with clients
My background in Focusing
My initial training was with Ann Weiser Cornell in 1994-5, followed by The Focusing Institute Weeklong in Chicago in 1995 with Gene Gendlin, Mary McGuire, and Janet Klein. Reva Bernstein mentored me to become a Certified Focusing Coordinator in 2006. Since then I've attended many Focusing International Conferences and Focusing trainings and workshops with a variety of different trainers in addition to regular Focusing exchanges averaging 1-2 week,
Since 1995 I've been offered one-one sessions and group trainings in the US, Canada, Europe, Israel, and online.
How do I practice?
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