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Florian Christensen
- Grief
- Trauma
- Creativity
- Focusing Oriented counselling
- Dreams
- Inner relationship Focusing
- Nature connection
I first came into contact with focussing during my training at pcaSuisse in 1997. In the 2000s, I became more and more involved with it and since 2019 I have been running my own small focussing institute in Winterthur
What services do I offer?
As a person-centred counsellor and trainer, I am involved in the training of psychosocial counsellors. As a focusing trainer and coordinator, I train focusing facilitators and trainers. I also love international collaboration and organise Focusing training courses in Winterthur with trainers from other countries.
In my institute, I accompany individual clients with focusing, solution-focused work and brainspotting.
My background in Focusing
My focusing work is based on the conviction that we can meet every experience or idea in the present with a felt-sense.
Since we have no choice but to work in the present, this is a good prerequisite for change.
My style is very person-centred. And the core of my work is "inner peace work" - how can something small be accepted in the midst of huge grief?
My main trainers in focussing were: Paula Ritz, Petra Colombo, Eveline Moor, Klaus Renn, Achim Grube and of course Eugene Gendlin and Ann Weiser Cornell through extensive literature work.
Personcentred consellor and trainer. (pcaSuisse)
Focusing Professional and Trainer ( and FSEM)
Certifying Coordinatior TIFI
Dialogue facilitator (Bohm - GFK-Institut Zurich)
ZASP Social Psychiatry
Qualified social care worker
MAS Adult Education
How do I practice?
impressive, because effective and sustainable, in the sense of a change in everyday behaviour patterns.
i like that! and you are also an exceptionally good listener.
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