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Newsletter EFA October 2019

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29th Nov 2023

Newsletter EFA October 2019

EFA-Newsletters past

Dear EFA Member,

We are writing with an update on some issues that were discussed in our recent Steering Group Zoom meeting.

Venue for The Next ‘Small’ European Annual Gathering

As you know, it was decided at this year’s General Assembly that we would alternate larger ‘conferences’ (such as we had at Loutraki this year) with a smaller gathering that would operate more on the ‘Open Space’ principle where members come together in an unstructured way to network and work together on joint projects. It has been suggested that TAE would be useful in this process and that perhaps the gathering could take place over three days.

Patricia Foster has kindly offered to host the annual gathering on the Greek island of Aeginaand has considerable experience of organising events there. She has already looked into and come up with good possibilities for accommodation.

But it has also been pointed out that travel to Greece is not viable for everyone who would like to attend the annual gathering and so we wanted to ask if anyone (or any small group) are willing to organise a gathering further north in Europe? Please can you let us know if you are willing to take on this responsibility by responding directly to this email.

It is not simply a matter of where people want to go, but who is actually willing to do the organising. Once we know if there are viable alternatives to Aegina we can then discuss the options that have been put forward.

Development of the Website
Special webpage for articles, projects, research, etc.

The EFA website is in the process of being developed by Nikos. A special page can be created where we could have links to what individuals have done/ written – articles, projects, etc. It would also be great to have updates from the Interest Groups from Loutraki(and elsewhere).

The possibility of an online publication was also discussed and more detail on this will follow.

As you will know, one of the videos has already been put on the website and is available on YouTube with subtitles and others will follow shortly… [link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jb_yEuUclac]

Changes to the Steering Group

Tine Swyngedouw has decided that for personal reasons she needs to step down from the Steering Group at for now but hopes to be back later. We will miss her!

Autumn greetings,
The Steering Group


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