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Newsletter EFA June 2023

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2nd Dec 2023

Newsletter EFA June 2023

EFA-Newsletters past

Dear fellow Focusers,

After a long process of working on the new EFA website, it is finally online, YEA!

Resubscribe & Contribute Content as follows:

Sign up for Membership here:
Once you sign up, you will receive membership confirmation. (Please note that this may take a few days.)

Set up your Account and create your profile here:
After you have been approved for membership, you can then set up your account and add content by visiting: https://efa-focusing.eu/register (Update your profile, post articles, research studies, video links, your workshops/events…)

Sign up for the Discussion List here:
You will receive an email within seconds and need to click the link in that email to complete the process (check your spam folder).

Invite more European Focusers to this newsletter
Sign up for the Newsletter here: https://efa-focusing.eu/news/newsletter/
Important about the newsletter: The newsletter list got transferred to the new server, hence you are receiving this email. However, you do need to re-subscribe both as a member and for the discussion list!

Please find detailed instructions for the above steps and how to add content:

Steps toward inclusion and to support the communication
amongst European Focusers

  • This website does not contain static text files, such as pdf-files. The reason for this is so that all text can be automatically translated into your language.
    To translate, right-click on any page, then choose “translate to (your language) or use Google Translate (for websites) to automatically translate the entire website. An inbuilt translation tool might be installed soon.
  • When creating a workshop/event you can post it in your language and those visiting the site can filter workshops by European languages.
    We hope to install the same feature for the resource listings, such as articles soon.
  • Additional to the member’s List-View, we will soon have a map of Europe, on which members’ locations will be shown.

Thanks to all of your donations
who made this new website possible!

2022 EFA Gathering participants’ donations
Ursula Ohse
Teresa Dawson
Yehudit First
Erna de Bruijn
Michael Californias
Cornelius Gehring
Sari Pekki
Ria van Hage
Amona Buechler
Dietmar Steinbach
Hejo Feuerstein
Fiona Parr

The future of the EFA website

We are excited to see this site grow as all of you will post your events, profiles, and writings. If anything on the website needs attention, feel free to let us know. BUT, please take the time to learningly and patiently find your way before contacting us. Here are the instructions if needed: https://efa-focusing.eu/resource/instructions-for-the-efa-website/. We have put a lot of time and effort into making sure it’s easy to understand and contribute.

In about 2-3 months, when we ourselves have become more familiar with what is involved in maintaining this website, we will invite others to step in and share or take over this responsibility.
If there are creative ideas about how to let this interactive platform evolve, new interest groups are certainly welcome to bring those ideas into manifestation. This can be a great opportunity for you to actively get involved with EFA, and thereby help grow connections, mutual support, and collaboration amongst European Focusers.

Let’s gather in person!

Join us for our Annual EFA Gathing in Bassano from October 25 to 29 2023
16 people have registered so far. Register soon if you want to secure a room in the main venue.

Our two new Facebook Pages

The old EFA Facebook page has been discontinued, and we have created two new pages. It is our hope that these new pages will encourage other European Focusers to join us, allowing us to better connect and collaborate.

Please sign up for the new Pages here:

The EFA Association Page (For official announcements):

The EFA Forum Page (an open space for European Focusers to post):

on behalf of the Steering group

Fiona Parr, Sari Pekki, Amona Buechler, Ruth Hirsch,
Dietmar Steinbach, Hejo Feuerstein, Cornelius Gehrig, Ria van Hage

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