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Archives: Events

A list of upcoming focusing events

26th Sep 2023

Focusing un modo diverso per ascoltare se stessi e gli altri

26th Sep 2023

FOCUSING – Un modo gentile di ascoltare se stessi e gli altri

31st Aug 2023

Macroshifting: Changing the Unchangeable Workshop by Robert L. Lee and Evelyn Fendler-Lee

18th Aug 2023

Become a Focusing Professional/Trainer – Deepen your Focusing Skills

15th Aug 2023

Become a Focusing Professional – Share Focusing with the world

24th Jul 2023

Unsere Träume: Der älteste Streaming Dienst der Welt … Traumverstehen mit Focusing. „Talk im Netz“ mit Dieter Müller. DFG Deutsche Focusing Gesellschaft

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