Body Wisdom – A Way In – Introduction to Focusing (Module 1)

18th January 2024 - 15th February 2024 Loudwater Farm, Rickmansworth (Near London)
Basic Focusing Course Workshop/Event Online English
Our bodily felt intelligence dwells, communicates, and unfolds in all of us in a rich, diverse, and life-bringing way. “Focusing’” is a metaphor for the process of recognising the subtle somatic nature of that intelligence and gradually bringing it into focus, as one might adjust to turn a blurry visual into a clear image. It is a skill of “opening” that vague bodily felt sense into a whole field of intricate details from which new layers of feeling, seeing, understanding, and action emerge. It’s a way of engaging, trusting & expressing that capacity.
Once you come into this literal body here then you find a space that is much bigger than your literal body. It’s quite clear that it is not exactly your literal body, but that is where the entrance is – G. Gendlin
Welcome to enter. This is our first module. We come together as a group and begin exploring the Focusing principles, steps, and process: individually, in pairs, and as a group. And that’s through the art of active awaiting, sensing inwards, engaging your bodily felt awareness, and making sense of it. We will wake our somatic awareness through movement, explore “how” the body speaks and will practice felt companioning within and without. This module can be taken as a stand-alone workshop and it will be the first module of the Focusing Skills Course. This introductory workshop is also a doorway to the Felt exploration group, a monthly ongoing gathering of fellow Focusers exploring their personal issues and interests
Two ways to begin:
In-person (near London): 13 – 14 January 2024, 9:30am – 6pm, Loudwater Farm, Rickmansworth WD34HG
or Online (Zoom): Thursday 9:30am – 12pm on 18th, 25th Jan, 1st, 8th Jan, 15th Feb 2024
Session 1 – The Doors – The Art of Active Awaiting
Session 2 – Felt Listening – How do we pay attention
Session 3 – Felt Sensing and Resonance – What do we pay attention to
Session 4 – Symbolising and Sense Making – How the Body Speaks
Session 5 – Mapping the Journey
Module I cost:
£150 (5 x 2.5h online seminars) or
£180 (In person, non-residential weekend) *
The group size is limited to 12 participants.
* For the weekend workshop at Loudwater Farm, please bring your lunch with you as
there are no shops around. If you would like to stay at the Farms B&B please let me know
and I can book that on your behalf (around £35 per person per night)
Facilitator: Halina Rozensztrauch,
Focusing Teacher and Practitioner (BFA Accredited), Psychologist.
www.yogatree.org.uk, info@yogatree.org.uk, 07528 122 281